Become our new chief executive

Welcome from the Chair Elect, Professor Sir Terence Stephenson

Hello and thank you for your interest in the role of Chief Executive at NHS Providers, the membership organisation and trade association for the NHS’s provider sector. 

Working with me and an active board of NHS chairs and chief executives, you will bring a demonstrable impact to key areas of government and national policy, representing the views of members at the highest level to influence policy, opinion, and practice within the sector.  With the three shifts of ‘hospital to community’, ‘analogue to digital’, and ‘sickness to prevention’, as well as the Darzi Review and consultation for a new 10 Year Health Plan, now is the time for our voice to make a difference. 

An authoritative and trusted commentator on provider issues and the wider challenges facing health and care, you will speak truth to power; as our CEO you will also lead the delivery of our strategy as we adapt to meet our members’ changing needs. 

Please view the video below where I discuss the role, and then explore the role further through this website. 

The Chair Elect discusses the CEO role